The art of Liberation

It is said that travel extends life, so after so many trips of 15 in 15 days, we decided to buy a Red Mamut to live forever. And if it is not eternally, at least for a long time.

Birth of the Mamut.

Miriam and I lived in a little village in the Alps in central Switzerland.

After a few years as part of the mechanism of the System as a wheel that rotates and repeats the movement over and over again, we realized that we were getting dizzy, and that the nausea was taking over our minds creating an important existential drain.

We choose to take the step, leave everything and seek freedom. And South America was a good place to find it.

For some time, I read and followed other well-known travelers such as Viajeros 4x4x4 or The Zapp family. But one day I discovered Cactus of the Road: José and Cristina lived in Germany, like us, specifically in Stuttgart, like us, we share similar ages and we even have a friendship in common. "How could it be that we had not met them before ?!"

We have no idea of mechanics and we were not too interested in motorsport. We have always been backpackers with the equipment and the ropes in tow.
They helped us find what was going to be our motor home for the next few months? years? ...

Day of the purchase of the Mamut.
Suddenly, a Volkswagen LT40 4x4, recently camperized, from 1989 and only 24,000 km 😱

So we went to Germany to buy it.

We gave the first and probably most important step for our adventure: We had our Mamut !!

It seemed that the most difficult thing we had already achieved. Poor Coque and Miriam from that August day who lived moments of extreme ignorance feeling liberated and deluded for the next months that they believed of tranquility.

To be continued...


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